A Culture of Growth Princeton University Press


They’ve taken over the top spot previously held by Boomers, which means businesses need to adopt ideas that appeal to the 30-somethings eager to work for them. And while this is a post about growth, it’s important to mention that this could also be a time when some people bow out if they feel your brand’s goals aren’t aligned with their own. Use that as an opportunity to bring someone on whodoessupport the path you’re going on. The phrase “growth culture” is often overlooked as a buzzword—a jargony term reserved for hip new startups with ping pong tables and stacked pyramids of spent LaCroix cans in their break rooms. The truth is, though, that 2021 couldn’t be better positioned as a time in need of growth—for any company, not just startups.

Employees had to prove they were among top-performers when compared to their colleagues. This resulted in unwanted outcomes, like people avoiding working on teams with the highest performers for fear of falling to the bottom. Managers of high-performing teams were not incentivized to help manage out low performers on other teams. Meetings were formal, scripted and did not provide much opportunity for creativity, risk-taking and innovation.

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To avoid this, you should create a culture of challenging assumptions. There should be a way to implement what they have learnt into their day to day work activities. This is done by providing time and space to conduct experiments to test different approaches, theories, and operations. Growth-oriented companies do not hold onto age-old beliefs and outdated ways of doing things.

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